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Monthly Archives: January 2017

For the Sheep in Exile – Bulletin 2017-01-29

Here is Bulletin_2017-01-29

1. V-A-C-A-T-I-O-N: Father continues his vacation. Once again, there will be Communion Services instead of Masses this week. Although not official, there is word that Father will be back for next weekend’s Masses. At least for a portion of the following week he will be elsewhere. Therefore, all we can give you is a qualified and limited “All ye, all ye in free.”

2. S-A-L-T: This week the bulletin contains a repeat of the item entitled Proposed Virginia Amendment to Protect Impoverished Families. This time, however, our pastor takes full responsibility for the item by moving it from page three to the Pastor’s Piece on page four.


St. Peter’s on the March


mfl-01St. Peter Catholic Church in Washington, VA is a small, rural parish. The great faith that fills the hearts and souls of the parishioners, however, is deep and expansive. This great faith demonstrated itself on the morning of Friday, January 27th as 56 hardy souls, including some Sheep in Exile, queued up to board the Blue Ridge bus bound for the March for Life in Washington, D.C.

mfl-02Last year, there was no bus for the March and a blizzard limited attendance, but this year Knights of Columbus Council #14755 took the lead and sponsored the bus. The Grand Knight initiated the effort and other Knights volunteered their services to organize, promote, and assist. They rallied parishioners to join them on the March, and the parish responded with enthusiasm. After all, the cause is right and just and the Sheep of St. Peter’s will do whatever is necessary to promote the Culture of Life.

mfl-06Under the spiritual leadership of Deacon Bob Benyo, the bus made its prayerful way to the March. The Rosary was prayed by all and there were many other prayers said silently. Meanwhile, back in Rappahannock County, many who couldn’t go the March physically provided spiritual support in private prayers and visits to the Blessed Eucharist at St. Peter’s.

mfl-04Although, the St. Peter’s bus didn’t make it in time to hear Vice President Pence, Kellyanne Conway, and other speakers, the group knew what was going on and could hear the applause and cheers. Many said this was surely the most upbeat and positive assembly for the March for Life that they had ever seen. Our cause, ultimately God’s cause, was acknowledged and supported from the White House and by many in Congress. Once again, there is a hope that Life will prevail over the evils of abortion, euthanasia, and other assaults against Life. And as we approached the Supreme Court, we knew that through prayer, penance, and witnessing to the Truth, some day Roe v. Wade will be overturned.

mfl-03St. Peter’s marched behind the flag of Our Lady of Guadalupe. Our Lady of Guadalupe, the pregnant Mother of God, the one who knew Jesus in the womb, how fitting that we should follow her. As our Mother she gives strength to us all. And that is why one member of our group who was interviewed by the media was able to speak firmly and without hesitation in the defense of Life. He was an inspiring witness to the Truth.

mfl-05At the very end of the March, there was a special gift for those who made this March for Life. Father DeMartino, a former pastor of St. Peter’s happened to be standing in front of the Library of Congress. He greeted each of his former parishioners with open arms and many hugs. He remembered all the names and spoke to each with words filled with great warmth. The Sheep of St. Peter’s had Marched for Life and in return had been granted many beautiful memories.

To the Knights, Deacon Benyo and each and every person who participated in making this trip happen as it did, our most sincere gratitude. You are in our prayers.





Rules and Tools for Radical Pastors #15 – Take it with a Grain of S-A-L-T

salt_logo_largeBottom Line up Front: Think twice before responding to the item entitled Proposed Virginia Budget Amendment to Protect Impoverished Families” on page 3 of Bulletin 2017-01-22. We are not saying that there is anything right or wrong with the initiative. We are saying that there are better places than Social Action Linking Together (SALT) to get information based on “Catholic Social Justice Principles.”


open-societyWhy think twice? SALT claims to operate according to “Catholic Social Justice Principles.” Yet, John Horejsi of SALT (the same John Horejsi noted in St. Peter’s Bulletin 2017-01-22) was quite comfortable participating on the Local Host Committee for the International Drug Policy Reform Conference Program & Agenda held November 18 – 21, 2015 in Washington, D.C. Apparently, SALT has no problem joining forces with the Open Society Foundations (read George Soros) and NORML. My wife and I are trying to figure out how “Catholic Social Justice Principles” coincide with NORML’s purpose for existence: “NORML’s mission is to move public opinion sufficiently to legalize the responsible use of marijuana by adults …”

And where is SALT getting it’s training in “Catholic Social Justice Principles”? From none other than the alleged Catholic nun Simone Campbell.


You may not have read the few items we’ve posted in the past about Sr. Campbell and her relationship with St. Charles Borromeo Parish and its former and our now current Pastor. Rather than make you read old material, here’s an item we haven’t shown you before. It was posted for all the St. Charles parishioners and interested parties to read. I’ve purposely deleted the name of the originator.

St. Charles Advocacy Supplement — Nun from the Bus Is Coming!

jus… 10/12/12

Dear Advocates,

I thought that you might be interested to know that eight days from now, the keynote speaker at SALT’s advocacy conference in Fairfax will be Sister Simone Campbell, one of the “Nuns on the Bus” who toured the country last summer to advocate for government spending decisions that reflect concern for the poor and vulnerable.

SALT — Social Action Linking Together — is an advocacy network in the Diocese of Arlington that works to influence public policy and legislation, particularly at the state and local levels, with the teachings of the Gospel and the Catholic Church.

More information about the conference is below.

Please email me (…) if you can offer a ride to others or if you would like a ride. We will do what we can to help those interested in going get out to the Dunn Loring/Vienna area from Arlandria (sic).


Social Justice Coordinator

St. Charles Borromeo Church

3304 N. Washington Blvd.

Arlington, VA 22201

703-527-5500 ext. 36


There is more, but why belabor the point? As we said For the Sheep in Exile – Bulletin-2017-01-22:

“Father must have been hanging around with some of his old SJW crowd again. Will he ever let it go?”

The Curious Case of Lector Training – Training????

Kind and gentle Reader, please forgive me beforehand. My wife and I try our best to never, ever say something that will harm or offend our fellow parishioners at St. Peter’s. Yet, there are those who take offense where none is intended. So, please, please understand before I begin this sad narrative there is no offense intended.

This morning I had to pick up Fre3d Capra from the Fauquier Health Emergency Department after an overnight in the ICU due to a nearly debilitating trauma to his nerves and aesthetic sensitivities that occurred during the 8:30 AM Mass at St. Peter’s yesterday.

It all began during the first reading (Is 8:23—9:3). Fre3d was reading the words of the Prophet Isaiah in a thoughtful and prayerful manner from page 885 of The Daily Roman Missal. (Very few others were reading because our Pastor discontinued providing missalettes for the parishioners long ago.)  Fre3d had no idea what others at Mass were witnessing as the following passage began:

“For the yoke that burdened them,
the pole on their shoulder,
and the rod of their taskmaster
you have smashed, as on the day of Midian.”

Just as the lector began the word “smashed“, he brought his fist down with great force upon the lectern and made a tremendous noise that nearly had Fre3d, a decorated Vietnam War veteran, diving under the pew. His breathing stopped, his pulse increased, his ears began ringing, and he felt as if he had just suffered the concussion of a nearby hand grenade.

Fre3d had only begun to recover his senses by the time the second reading (1 Cor 1:10-13, 17) began. This time, Fre3d could not concentrate on reading from his missal. Instead he stared, amazed and bewildered by the theatrical gesticulations of the lector. He was pointing at the Crucifix, he was pointing at the altar, his hands were waving as swiftly and expansively as the blades of UH-1 Huey helicopter. Fre3d missed hearing the reading; he merely went into a catatonic stupor and remained so for the remainder of the Mass.

After I completed saying the Prayer to St. Michael at the end of Mass, I quickly escorted poor Fre3d to my SUV and made maximum speed for the Emergency Department in Warrenton. Today, they said he should be able to recover most of his faculties, but it will be a long, long time before he is fully recovered.

Now, this unfortunate episode brings me back to St. Peter’s Bulletin_2016-05-15 that said:


We need 2 lectors to serve at the 5:00 pm (Saturday) mass, and 2 additional lectors to serve at the 8:30 am and 11 am Mass on Sunday. We will train you – please contact: ….

wl16Fre3d more or less figured that something like this was eventually going to happen. That is why he began his investigation in the The Curious Case of Lector Training – A Fre3d Capra Mystery and The Curious Case of Lector Training – New Data. We recognize that our sometimes sleuth, Fre3d Capra, erred when he considered that the Workbook for Lectors, Gospel Readers, and Proclaimers of the Word was suspect. Nevertheless, he was absolutely 100% correct in considering the notion that something was not right with lector training. While still somewhat shell-shocked, he has come to two alternative conclusions:

  1. There is no lector training and we are now seeing problems arise, or
  2. There is lector training and that there will be more of what we saw at the 8:30 AM Mass this last Sunday.

For Fre3d’s sake and for all of you, kind and gentle readers, I hope Fre3d is incorrect once again and that what we were forced to endure at the 8:30 AM Mass was just a one-time occurrence.

My wife adds – For those lectors who are frustrated thespians, you might be better suited for performing at Castleton Festival than for lectoring.


For the Sheep in Exile – Bulletin 2017-01-22

Here is bulletin_2017-01-22

1. V-A-C-A-T-I-O-N: With no confirmation from the parish office we can only guess. It appears the snow-covered slopes are calling Father away to his yearly skiing vacation. There will be Communion Services instead of Masses this week. So, in the spirit of the moment we can say to the Sheep in Exile, “All ye, all ye in free. At least for this week.” And for those not familiar with the expression here is an explanation from

General consensus among people who study things like this is that “Olly olly oxen free” is a mutation of something like “All ye out come in free.” (Meaning, back four centuries ago when we have the first known games of hide-and-seek) that anyone still hiding (out) can come back without getting tagged (free).

2. SALT: We hope to write a special post on the item entitled Proposed Virginia Amendment to Protect Impoverished Families on page three of this week’s bulletin. In the meantime, you might want to check out Father must have been hanging around with some of his old SJW crowd again. Will he ever let it go?

My wife went digging into her old record collection to find something that expresses how she feels about Father’s vacation. She knows that the lyrics don’t fit the season, but boy the level of enthusiasm sure does. Listen here. We pray for Father’s safe travels and well being.



For the Sheep in Exile – Bulletin 2017-01-15 Supplement

To whomever responded so rapidly to our post For the Sheep in Exile – Bulletin 2017-01-15, many thanks. The Parish Contacts page and the Pastoral Council Minutes page have been updated.

8386ssNow there is another point of grave concern. We have been praying earnestly to St. Drogo (the patron of coffee and coffee house owners) for the rapid return of the missing large coffee pot. If and when it is returned, we hope that the parish bulletin will inform all parishioners of the good news.

Far more importantly, we are praying that the parish bus for the March of Life will be filled and that government officials will see us, hear us, and that their hearts will be moved to bring our country back to the Culture of Life.

For the Sheep in Exile – Bulletin 2017-01-15

Here is Bulletin_2017-01-15

1. March for Life Bus Trip: Some things are worth repeating and this is one of those things:


The Knights of Columbus Council 14755 will be sponsoring a bus from St. Peter Church on January 27, 2017 to attend the March for Life in Washington, DC. We will start boarding the bus at 10:00 a.m. and plan to leave the parking lot by 10:30 a.m. The cost for the trip is $20.00 per person and checks can be made payable to the Knights of Columbus. We will have a sign-up sheet in the back of the church for those of you interested in going to the March. We only have room for 56 people and it will be first come, first served. The departure time from DC will be discussed on the bus. If you have any questions, please call Tom Junk at (540) 987-8617 or email him at


Image result for tongue in cheek emoticon


2. Will the real DRE please stand up? There’s probably no more exciting and interesting Website this side of Grand Teton National Park than the St. Peter Catholic Church site. It’s chock full of inspiring content, parish news, and items guaranteed to generate animated discussion. Furthermore, it provides an excellent place to monitor the proceedings of this period of “hope and change” in our parish.

Having said all the above with my tongue firmly lodged in my cheek, I find myself without words to explain the disparity with which items are updated on the parish site. On one hand, when one views the Parish Contacts page, one will find the position of Director of Religious Education (DRE) and a name and email address along with it. Based on our review of parish bulletins that person probably has not been the DRE since mid-2015. Then, when one refers to page 98 of the brand new, official 2017 Diocesan Directory, one will find that our Pastor is listed as the St. Peter’s DRE. If this is so, one would wonder wonderingly why the parish Website hasn’t been updated to reflect that change. Of course, we could have it all wrong. So that is why we are asking, “Will the real DRE please stand up?

As to the disparity with which items are updated, in contrast to the DRE position, It took but a very few short days for my name to be removed from the parish site when I was relieved from my position on the Parish Pastoral Council. Oh, and by the way, the last name of one of the current Pastoral Council members is misspelled. (Here)

There, having said my piece, I can return my tongue to its normal operating position.


Fr. Brown – Requiescat in Pace

fr-brown-1Friar Victor Beverly Brown, O.P. of the Dominican Province of St. Martin de Porres died January 9, 2017, at the age of 87. He suffered a stroke on January 3, and did not recover. As many of us know, he has told us for the last few years that he was “ready to go to God.” Now God in his mercy has taken him to his eternal rest.

Fr. Brown officiated at our son’s reception of the sacrament of Matrimony. He was a close friend of our daughter-in-law’s family and, over the course of years, he became our friend too. In our eyes, he was everything that Christ intended priests to be. Consider the words he wrote about our grandson’s Baptism in 2010.

On the 5th of January, 1930, a Jesuit priest by the name of Fr. John Navin, on the parish staff of the church of the Most Holy Name of Jesus on the campus of Loyola University, New Orleans, baptized me.  And he signed the baptismal register as well as the baptismal certificate which I still have to this day. 
Yesterday, April 18, 2010, I baptized a little boy here at Holy Rosary church in Houston doing basically the same for him that Fr. Navin did for me those eighty years ago.  I have baptized many babies and adults in my lifetime, but practically none since I had to retire because of my health a couple of years ago.  So the opportunity to confer the sacrament of baptism yesterday was especially welcome to me.  Someday, people will look in the baptismal register of this parish and see the name of the child, Paul Francis … , and the name of the officiating priest, Victor Brown.  And sacred history will be repeating itself.  Some two thousand years ago, Our Divine Lord stood with his apostles just before ascending into heaven and said to them, “Go, therefore, make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.”  That was done for you and for me; I have done it for many people since the sacrament of Holy Orders was conferred on me. We are baptized, signed, and sealed in the name of the triune God; we are a trinitarian people.  The second person of the Divine Trinity has become our human brother as well as one of the Persons of our Divine Lord. 
Let us be grateful to God for our existence; to Jesus our Lord for our faith, our sacramental life, the joy of our membership in his body, the Church, and our parents, teachers, pastors, and others who have contributed to our spiritual life since the sacred water of baptism flowed over us in the washing which Jesus calls the second birth of water and the Holy Spirit.
Fr. Victor Brown

fr-brown-2Fr. Brown’s heart and soul were always fixed on the Lord. He brought that vision to all those he met. In this picture we see Father as he gave a special blessing to our grandson and to our son. He held his priesthood as a great gift and was the perfect example to our grandchildren on what a religious vocation really meant.

Although we will miss his immediate presence, we know he will be there to pray for us.

My heartfelt gratitude and love to you, Fr. Brown.

Yours in Christ, Char.

For the Sheep in Exile – Bulletin 2017-01-08

Here is Bulletin_2017-01-08

March for Life Bus Trip – The following announcement speaks for itself. We are grateful to our Knights for making this possible.


The Knights of Columbus Council 14755 will be sponsoring a bus from St. Peter Church on January 27, 2017 to attend the March for Life in Washington, DC. We will start boarding the bus at 10:00 a.m. and plan to leave the parking lot by 10:30 a.m. The cost for the trip is $20.00 per person and checks can be made payable to the Knights of Columbus. We will have a sign-up sheet in the back of the church for those of you interested in going to the March. We only have room for 56 people and it will be first come, first served. The departure time from DC will be discussed on the bus. If you have any questions, please call Tom Junk at (540) 987-8617 or email him at

As a special prayer intention this year, my wife and I recommend that we pray for the new President, especially for his appointments to the Supreme Court and the other Federal courts. Roe v. Wade can and must be overturned; this Nation must return to God!

For commentary concerning last year’s March see Of Life, Amorrhites, and False gods.


Parish Bulletins – For those of you in exile who go to the St. Peter’s Website for news and information concerning our parish, it’s becoming increasingly difficult to find useful content there. You may have noticed that for the last two weeks no bulletins were posted. Now this week, a bulletin has been posted, but all past bulletins have been taken down. So, if you wanted to catch up with things after the holidays, you’re out of luck.


St. Peter’s Bulletins on January 8, 2017

We don’t know why this has been done. It really would help many, especially those who move into the area and are considering attending Mass at St. Peter’s, to have the most recent bulletin and at least 3-4 months of earlier bulletins available for reference. Until this becomes a parish policy, my wife and I will continue to post the bulletins on a weekly basis. Additionally, all past bulletins since June 2014 are posted here.


Parish Pastoral Council – I’ve had some time to think about my removal from the Parish Pastoral Council. It makes for a very interesting war story in the life of a member of the Church Militant.

It is very unfortunate that no one in the parish has any idea of what is going on in the Council. There have been no minutes published since November 2015.


St. Peter’s Website on January 8, 2017

I think that it is about time for the Sheep in Exile to have representation on the Council. Even if we don’t have a member to call our own, we too can provide Father with counsel on his pastoral actions. We can do it through this blog and we can do it through letters to him and the other members of the Pastoral Council. Over the next few weeks, I hope to develop that theme. Until then, please take the time to read the two documents listed below. It is important that we all understand what a Pastoral Council is supposed to be. These two documents (one actually authored by our Pastor) will provide useful background information.

St. Charles Borromeo, Arlington, VA, Pastoral Council Charter, July 31, 2010

A Pastoral Letter on Consultation in the Parish, Most Rev. John R. Keating, Bishop of Arlington, September 17, 1984

By Popular Request – Many have noted that my wife’s style has been both entertaining and to-the-point without frills and excess language. She will be making her return to writing very soon.






For the Sheep in Exile – Bulletin 2017-01-01

Here is Bulletin_2017-01-01

theotokosThe Octave Day of Christmas, Solemnity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of God

“O God, Who by the fruitful virginity of blessed Mary hast bestowed upon mankind the rewards of eternal salvation: grant, we beseech Thee, that we may experience her intercession for us, through whom we have been made worthy to receive the Author of Life, Jesus Christ Thy Son, our Lord: Who with the liveth and reigneth.”

(Collect from the Mass in the Extraordinary Form for the Octave-Day of the Nativity – the Circumcision of our Lord)

20 + C + M + B + 17

We are in the midst of the beautiful Christmas Season (December 25, 2016 – January 8, 2017). On the Epiphany (celebrated on January 8th this year) we will bless our home in accordance with tradition and with our desire to live in a home blessed by Christ.

St. John the Baptist provided a form for the Epiphany House Blessing for its parishioners. We are posting a copy of that blessing for your use here. The USCCB has another version of the blessing here.

May you and all in your home be blessed abundantly by God during this New Year!


A Most Important Matter: For at least two weeks, the bulletin has noted the alarming, disturbing and most frightful news – the large coffee pot is missing.

If anyone has borrowed the Church’s large coffee pot can they please return it.
 We here at the Sheep of Kephas blog take this hopefully temporary loss of church property most seriously. This is especially true because there are some scurrilous rumors that the pot was taken hostage by a strange looking man and a rather smelly dead horse driving a pink 1961 rambler.
My wife and I both questioned Fre3d Capra and Petition my dead horse and they both vehemently deny that there is any substance to these rumors. We trust them implicitly and state here for the record, “We at the Sheep of Kephas blog know nothing concerning the loss of the aforementioned coffee pot.”
Fre3d and Petition suggested that perhaps Peyton and Priscilla Gard3ner be questioned about the loss. Although Peyton and Prissy are not real, there have been many other things that have happened here at St. Peter’s since June of 2014 that have been rather unreal.
Whatever that eventual outcome might be concerning the coffee pot, we earnestly pray to St. Drogo, who is the patron saint of coffee and coffeehouses, to help St. Peter’s find its missing coffee pot.