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“Oh, just one more thing …”

Investigation Summary:There are a couple of loose ends I’d like to tie up.” You contracted me to conduct a private investigation on behalf of individuals known as the “Sheep in Exile”. Based on your recent request, I have closed out that case. I have forwarded a large confidential file containing the following:

  • Detailed report of investigation with key judgements,
  • Photographs,
  • Interviews,
  • Source materials (news clippings & electronic media), and
  • Physical evidence from dumpster diving.

As discussed earlier, I remain on retainer and am preparing for the imminent activation of  Phase II operations. I stand ready to conduct a thorough review of certain matters pertaining to the Association of U.S. Catholic Priests (AUSCP).

With regards to the AUSCP, I have worked with your friend, Mr. Fre3d Capra, and trained him in the tradecraft required to infiltrate the AUSCP and provide inside information on the upcoming Albuquerque Assembly to be held June 25-28. His counterfeited dissident, liberal catholic credentials were impeccably contrived. He is now an AUSCP member in good standing.

4458652-rambler01loHaving Fre3d feign being comatose last year was a brilliant ploy. That gave him an opportunity to join the AUSCP and win their trust. Good thinking on your part!

Fre3d recognized that his old Rambler would be far too recognizable for undercover work. So he gave it to me. My dog loves it.

I have also been in touch with your “dead horse” Petition. He is quite alive and thrivingdead-horse at Wyoming Catholic College. He is assisting with their P.E.A.K. summer programs (click here and here.) He will be part of the horseback riding  and horse excursion program. His devotion to prayer and desire to help in influencing strong Catholic youths is a fitting way for him to move towards retirement. The way Petition was treated at St. Peter’s was a very sad thing, indeed.

As we move into Phase II, the sensitivity of the operations focusing on AUSCP and similar organizations demands that we refrain from any further open discussion. This will be my final post. All future correspondence will be encrypted and sent via other means.

Personal Comment: Although this was an exceedingly difficult case, it has certainly been intriguing and spiritually instructive. The reason I took this case pro bono was because all of us in the Church Militant have to contribute our time and prayers to defend the One True Church founded by Jesus Christ.

Please pray for the repose of the soul of Evelyn Kerr who passed away today.



For the Sheep in Exile – Bulletin 2018-04-22

Here is Bulletin_2018-04-22

Today is the 55th Annual World Day of Prayer for Vocations. A four-page flyer from the Catholic Diocese of Arlington accompanied today’s bulletin. For information included in the flyer and much more, view the Diocese vocations page here.
Our Pastor in the News:

For the Sheep in Exile – 2018-04-15

Here is Bulletin_2018-04-15

Visiting Priest: In last week’s bulletin, Bulletin_2018-04-08, Communion Services were scheduled for Thursday, April  12 and Friday, April 13. That is usually a tip off that our Pastor is going to take an extended weekend. This evening at the the 5:00 PM Mass, there was, indeed, a visiting priest. As usual, there was little or no advance notice.

The as yet unidentified priest was a classmate of our Pastor while in Belgium some 46 years ago. He lives in Lexington, VA and is a retired priest from the Diocese of Richmond. He pretty much says the “black” and does the “red”, but he uses the same unusual Eucharistic Prayer that our Pastor uses.

Thoughts: We are approaching the end of the “exile”. It was not 40 years in the desert, it was only four years attending Mass at other parishes. We have seen the stark contrast between the Church and church. If you are like my wife and me, you may now know more about your faith than before. You may have grown in spiritual understanding and fortitude. I, for one, have had to seek spiritual direction and counseling – monthly Confession was a minimum, often I had to go every two weeks.

The parish to which we return has changed. Perhaps we will never again see St. Peter’s at “status quo ante”. If there is now division, if there are parishioners who can’t bring themselves to return, if there are those who have been hurt, we the “exiles”, will have to practice charity. We will have to pray. We as a parish will have to come together. Come together to worship, to receive the Sacraments, and help each other as we seek the fullness of salvation.

Most of all, we will have to welcome a new pastor and help him do at St. Peter’s what the Bishop will ask him to do. – – Just a thought ….


For the Sheep in Exile – Bulletin 2018-04-01

Here is Bulletin_2018-04-01

He is risen!




For the Sheep in Exile – Bulletin 2018-03-25

Here is Bulletin_2018-03-25

We are entering the holiest and most solemn week of the year. We here at the Sheep of Kephas blog intend, to the best of our ability, to detach ourselves from all the distractions around us for the remainder of this week. So, there will be no posts this week other than a short greeting on Easter morning.


For the Sheep in Exile: Bulletin 2018-03-11

Here is: Bulletin_2018-03-11

Laetare Sunday: Not a lot to say today. Father wore rose and the Holy Days are coming.

St. Michael the Archangel, pray for us.

For the Sheep in Exile – Bulletin 2018-03-04

Here is Bulletin_2018-03-04

This will be somewhat complicated, but the underlying principal is simple. So, I’ll put it up front. In our view, many Catholic priests and many of Catholic laypersons in public office have abandoned the “right to life” teachings of the Church and replaced them with unwarranted emphasis on “social justice”. AUSCP is part of that group. We will use two days in February to illustrate our point.

February 27, 2018: We learn from the Association of U.S. Catholic Priests (AUSCP) website that AUSCP among Catholic activists arrested for support of Dreamers. Here’s the story:

SurvilFather Bernard Survil, AUSCP member from the Diocese of Greensburg, with Sister Marie Lucey OSF and Patrick Carolan, prepare the Catholic Day of Action for Dreamers, in Washington, D.C. Sister Marie Lucey is the associate director of the Franciscan Action Network; Patrick Carolan is the executive director. Thirty-six women and 10 men, including Father Survil, were arrested for acts of civil disobedience, while supporting the call for clean DACA legislation including a path to citizenship.

February 28, 2018: We learn that Georgetown honors pro-abortion Senator whose bishop just barred him from Communion. Yes, Senator Dick Durbin, D-IL, an alleged Catholic, whose bishop recently barred him from Holy Communion, with an award for devoting “his life to the core Jesuit value of service to others.” One can only assume that the Core Jesuit values have no problem with the fourteen anti-life, “Catholic” senators like Dick Durbin and our own Senator Tim Kaine who voted “to stop the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act from becoming law”.

Homework: Class, here’s your homework assignment – Search the AUSCP website for “right to life” and any similar topics as they might relate to Church teaching. (Good luck!) Also search for all the calls to AUSCP members to commit acts of civil disobedience in support of the right to life issue. (Once again that’s a null set.) Finally, search through all the media on this entire planet and find the number of AUSCP members that committed any acts of civil disobedience at Georgetown University in opposition to Georgetown’s award for Dick Durbin. (I’ll give you hint, Fr. Bernie Survil wasn’t there.)

Background: Fr. Bernie Survil is not just any AUSCP member – he was one of the founders. From the beginning, AUSCP has made its priorities known. For any thinking, believing, praying Catholic, the AUSCP agenda has no problem with the Dick Durbins and Tim Kaines – the “Catholic” public officials who hate children in the womb. The Durbins and Kaines are the haters.

Perhaps it is not so bad that our Pastor has placed a certain sign in front of St. Peter’s parish grounds – “Hate has no home here”.  Let’s remember “Hate has no home here” if Tim Kaine ever comes to Rappahannock County and St. Peter’s.

To our Pastor: Father, you can do better than associating yourself with the AUSCP and its agenda, a whole lot better.





For the Sheep in Exile – Bulletin 2018-02-25

Here is Bulletin_2018-02-25

Confusing Lenten Message: It is the Second Sunday of Lent. Each of us in our own way is voluntarily submitting to the discipline of Lent. We are doing this through prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. With regard to “prayer”, the Catholic Church maintains the devotion of the Stations of the Cross. Participating in this devotion as one of the earliest memories of my childhood.

Our parish is known to the world as St. Peter Catholic Church. Obviously, we have added emphasis to a particular word – yes, our parish is Catholic. One would think that the Stations of the Cross would be counted as being particularly important for our parish during this holy, penitential season.

One would think that, but is that the message we are actually hearing and seeing at St. Peter’s?


Rather than emphasizing the devotion of the Stations of the Cross, so deeply linked to our Catholic Lenten experience, our Pastor gives precedence, in message placement and content, to the “Ecumenical Lenten Service”. Pray tell, what will the Unitarian Universalist Rev. Russ Savage have to tell the sheep about “PRAYER” that they cannot learn through meaningful meditation on the Way of the Cross?

A final question to anyone who might have an answer, did attendance at the Stations of the Cross on Friday the 23 exceed 50? Did it exceed 25? Did it exceed 10?

In my life experience, confusing and mixed messages never build interest. Instead, a mixed message tends to turn people away.

Kairos Prison Ministry: At the end of the 5:00 PM Mass yesterday, our Pastor announced that next week two people would speak between the Sunday morning Masses at 9:45. They are to talk about the Kairos Prison Ministry, specifically women’s prison ministry. Kairos has its roots in the Cursillo movement and it operates at the national and state levels. (See Kairos Prison Ministry and Kairos Prison Ministry of Virginia for more information.)

Interestingly, Father said that the Kairos Prison Ministry is something that he would like to be involved in at some time.

Father has been associated with the Cursillo movement through his entire priesthood. His worthwhile work in the healing ministry is also well known. Many will tell you that he helped to bring about an increase in their faith. We even know people who say that our Pastor’s encouragement brought them into the Church. Despite our many differences, we have always maintained that Father is a good man and we always include him in our daily Rosary. Should he at some point decide to work full-time within Cursillo, the healing ministry, and Kairos, he can be certain that we will be supporting him in prayer.


No, we are not being facetious in our offering of prayer support. After all, the Salvation of Souls is the Supreme Law.


A Miracle in the Collection Basket? Upon examining this weeks bulletin, my beautiful spouse noted that the general collection for the 18th of February amounted to “$10,298.00“. Based on our review of amounts recorded for the general collection since December 24th of 2017, surely the collection of “$10,298.00” was a miraculous event.

General collections 2017-12-24 through 2018-02-18:

2017-12-24  $2,528.00

2017-12-25  $3,460.00

2017-12-31  $2,164.26

2018-01-07  $5,215.00

2018-01-14  $2,419.00

2018-01-21  $1,903.00

2018-01-28  $2591.00

2018-02-04  $1833.35

2018-02-11  $2,170.00

2018-02-18  $10,298.00



For the Sheep in Exile – Bulletin 2018-02-18

Here is Bulletin_2018-02-18

Clerical Error: Despite what you might find in the bulletin entry for Wednesday, February 21st, that day is not Ash Wednesday. However, there might be an encore performance by the Rappahannock Clergy Association (RCA).


The Rappahannock Clergy Association

Forgive my double entendre, but if the RCA shows up again distributing ashes on the 21st, would that be a “clerical error”?

For the Sheep in Exile – Bulletin 2018-02-04

Here is Bulletin_2018-02-04

Included in today’s bulletin was a multi-page brochure on the Bishop’s Lenten Appeal. You can find more details here.

Several have asked about my beautiful wife’s health since her return from the hospital. — She is improving, but we still have no solid diagnosis. Your many prayers and warm regard are greatly appreciated.