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Monthly Archives: April 2018

For the Sheep in Exile – Bulletin 2018-04-29

Here is Bulletin_2018-04-29

Social Justice Warriors? No, Social Justice Hypocrites!

In the right hand column of our Home Page you will find a list of links to “Catholic” websites. Click on any or all of those and you will will learn about the death of Alfie Evans. Alfie, being Baptized and under the age of reason, is in Heaven today – he is now St. Alfie. (Read the story here: BREAKING: Alfie Evans has died)

His story is a terrible demonstration of the abuse of human rights by those who have no hearts, no human compassion. The right to life and parental rights have no place in the thinking of the people who caused this atrocity. This is truly a great social injustice.

So, dear readers, where are the ‘catholic social justice warriors’? Where are their demonstrations against this evil? Where are the busloads of their activists with signs proclaiming their outrage for this injustice? Where indeed?

I’ll be glad to show you where 1,200 priests who claim to be among the strongest workers for ‘catholic social justice’ are. I’ll be glad to give you the link to the pro-human rights, socially minded Association of U.S. Catholic Priests website – click here.

Once you get to their site, use their search engine and search for “Alfie” or “Alfie Evans”. Here is the response you receive:  “Your search did not match any documents.”

If you go to the AUSCP site, you won’t be able to avoid seeing one of their ‘catholic social justice’ triumphs proclaimed in all its amazing glory. This says it all.

Yes, it’s easy to say “-make every day- -EARTH DAY-“. It’s more difficult, however, to stand up to corrupt ideas and government officials. Sure, AUSCP members may have been jailed for demonstrating for some of their seemingly important social justice causes, but, I ask you, where are they when it comes time to challenge the government (whether it be in the UK or in the USA) when it tramples the God-given rights and dignity of human beings the way He created them to be or for the salvation of their souls?

For the AUSCP the answer is simple: “Your search did not match any documents.”

The AUSCP will hold their assembly in 57 day, perhaps our Pastor will decide not to attend this year.

St. Alfie, pray for us!





For the Sheep in Exile – Bulletin 2018-04-22

Here is Bulletin_2018-04-22

Today is the 55th Annual World Day of Prayer for Vocations. A four-page flyer from the Catholic Diocese of Arlington accompanied today’s bulletin. For information included in the flyer and much more, view the Diocese vocations page here.
Our Pastor in the News:

Comments, Affirmations & Criticisms

When I press the publish button this evening, this will be our 343rd post. It was to be expected from the beginning that some readers would have reason to comment on our posts. And comment they did. Some were constructive. Some were affirming. Some were critical. We read all the comments and tried to learn from them. However, owing to discretion, prudence, and charity we elected to refrain from publishing some comments.

We will take this opportunity to highlight two radically different reactions to our last post For the Sheep in Exile – 2018-04-15.

While we appreciate the opening remarks in the first comment, we were somewhat hesitant to publish it. That is because we at the Sheep of Kephas blog have avoided making any statements about what goes on at the Chancery. It is simply beyond our scope and competence. Nevertheless, this comment reflects how some from St. Peter’s have come to think.

The second comment is critical of my wife and me because of our blog. That reaction  certainly is representative of a segment of parishioners at St. Peter’s. If after reading all 342 of our preceding posts, someone comes to the conclusions presented in this comment, they are entitled to that opinion. We would never hesitate to publish their comments. In doing so, please remember, we can still pray for each other and let God sort this out.

Fleeb  2 days ago

I think the parish will eventually return to normal…many of his acolytes will leave with him. As for those in exile, I suspect some will return. Pastors come and go…just like popes.

It will take a strong, orthodox priest who believes that teaching the Truth and bringing the sacraments to the faithful is more important than spewing modernism & socialism.

Thank you for your work exposing and reporting on his destruction of a once-vibrant parish…the whole sad affair could have been avoided if we had real men running the diocese instead of the feminized officials we are saddled with. I lay the blame for this sad epoch with the chancery and the two high officials who personally knew what was going on but failed to do much of anything…Tuck was as far away from the chancery as he could be and that’s all that mattered.

Bella Rose a day ago·

Your charity, prayer, and concern for divisiveness are four years late. Your blog appears retaliatory for your lost position and power at St. Peter, and it has merely served to publicly humiliate a person you obviously care little about. Had you any humility, you would start with allowing comments like mine, but I’m betting you delete them because they don’t fit your agenda. Not only are we leaving St. Peter, but we are leaving the Arlington Diocese. I told my daughter about your blog and her response was, “And they are Christians?”


For the Sheep in Exile – 2018-04-15

Here is Bulletin_2018-04-15

Visiting Priest: In last week’s bulletin, Bulletin_2018-04-08, Communion Services were scheduled for Thursday, April  12 and Friday, April 13. That is usually a tip off that our Pastor is going to take an extended weekend. This evening at the the 5:00 PM Mass, there was, indeed, a visiting priest. As usual, there was little or no advance notice.

The as yet unidentified priest was a classmate of our Pastor while in Belgium some 46 years ago. He lives in Lexington, VA and is a retired priest from the Diocese of Richmond. He pretty much says the “black” and does the “red”, but he uses the same unusual Eucharistic Prayer that our Pastor uses.

Thoughts: We are approaching the end of the “exile”. It was not 40 years in the desert, it was only four years attending Mass at other parishes. We have seen the stark contrast between the Church and church. If you are like my wife and me, you may now know more about your faith than before. You may have grown in spiritual understanding and fortitude. I, for one, have had to seek spiritual direction and counseling – monthly Confession was a minimum, often I had to go every two weeks.

The parish to which we return has changed. Perhaps we will never again see St. Peter’s at “status quo ante”. If there is now division, if there are parishioners who can’t bring themselves to return, if there are those who have been hurt, we the “exiles”, will have to practice charity. We will have to pray. We as a parish will have to come together. Come together to worship, to receive the Sacraments, and help each other as we seek the fullness of salvation.

Most of all, we will have to welcome a new pastor and help him do at St. Peter’s what the Bishop will ask him to do. – – Just a thought ….


For the Sheep in Exile – Bulletin 2018-04-08

Here is Bulletin_2018-04-08

Now we can openly state what we have known for some time:




Urgent Prayer Request – Update

Father Grinnell is safe! Pray a prayer of thanksgiving.

Apparently, another priest was scheduled to take his place and did not show up.

Thank you for your prayers.


Urgent Prayer Request

Father Grinnell did not show up for the 5:00 PM Mass this evening. He was not to be found in the rectory and his car was not in the garage. Deacon Benyo reported this to the authorities. At 7:55 PM, I spoke to a deputy sheriff outside St. Peter’s and was told by him that the authorities are attempting to locate Father.

We are deeply concerned by this and request that all who read this pray for Father’s health and safety.


For the Sheep in Exile – Bulletin 2018-04-01

Here is Bulletin_2018-04-01

He is risen!
