The Sheep of Kephas

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Monthly Archives: January 2018

For the Sheep in Exile – Bulletin 2018-01-28

Here is: Bulletin_2018-01-28

This week we have added two new items to the blog. The first is a new page – The AUSCP and St. Peter’s. The new page is a logical follow-up to our post  The AUSCP and St. Peter’s – Facts and Questions. And with tongue firmly fixed in cheek, we have added a countdown clock so that our Pastor can make sure that all his travel arrangements for the next AUSCP Assembly in Albuquerque, NM on June 25-28 are completed in time. It’s a small service, but we’re here to help.


For the Sheep in Exile – Bulletin 2018-01-21

Here is Bulletin_2018-01-21

In Absentia: As noted in post St. Peter’s at the 2018 March for Life the parishioners of St. Peter’s delivered the message of Life to the Capitol on January 18th. Meanwhile, our Pastor, Fr. Neverwithus, was on his annual mid-Winter vacation. Prior to the March for Life there were no comments of support or urging participation in the March from him. But … our Pastor did leave another message, both in Bulletin_2018-01-21 and on the parish website:


Comment 1: If you don’t remember some of our encounters with Social Action Linking Together (SALT), please refer to Rules and Tools for Radical Pastors #15 – Take it with a Grain of S-A-L-T and do a search on this blog for other references to SALT.

Comment 2: Many children in the womb today are on “death row”. They will be executed by Planned Parenthood tomorrow morning. Consider that unjust sentence in contrast to a few days in solitary confinement. My family and I know our priorities and we devote our spiritual, physical, and monetary resources accordingly. We know where we will make our voices heard.

Comment 3: It becomes increasingly apparent that our Pastor is aligned with the social justice priorities of the Association of U.S. Catholic Priests (AUSCP). Close examination of its priorities shows that it is working to make the Church look like the world rather than making the world look like Christ and the Church.

Comment 4: Our position, priority, and most earnest prayer at the Sheep of Kephas blog is to bring our Pastor to a change of heart and make him look more like Christ and the Church.

After all – The Salvation of Souls is the Supreme Law


St. Peter’s at the 2018 March for Life

There aren’t many words needed here. The parishioners of St. Peter’s (including many Sheep in Exile) demonstrated their dedication to the sanctity of life. They filled the bus provided by the Knights of Columbus to capacity. St. Peter’s delivered the message of Life to the Capitol.

Here are some highlights from the day:


Marchers You Will Never See on the Mainstream Media


Delivering the Right to Life Message to those Responsible to Protect that Right


Mission Accomplished: St. Peter’s Heading Home

And if you missed it, hear is a message worth hearing:


The AUSCP and St. Peter’s – Facts and Questions

Fact 1: Our Pastor is a priest of the Catholic Diocese of Arlington, VA and the pastor of St. Peter Catholic Church.

Fact 2: The Sheep of Kephas blog has established that our Pastor has attended two Association of U.S. Catholic Priests (AUSCP) national assemblies.

Fact 3: Our Pastor acknowledged publicly at Masses at St. Peter’s that he had attended the most recent (2017) AUSCP national assembly.

Fact 4: This blog has not established that our Pastor is a dues-paying member of AUSCP, but there is enough circumstantial evidence to support that type of conclusion.

Fact 5: The AUSCP recently posted this letter addressed to James Martin, S.J. on its facebook site here:


Question 1: As a likely member of AUSCP, does our Pastor stand in agreement with Fr. Bob Bonnot and the AUSCP Leadership Team with regards to the AUSCP letter dated January 10, 2018?

Question 2: What are the implications for the sheep of St. Peter’s if, in fact, our Pastor stands in accord with the AUSCP on the above letter?

Question 3: What are the implications for the Catholic Diocese of Arlington if, in fact, our Pastor stands in accord with the AUSCP on the above letter?



For the Sheep in Exile – Bulletin 2018-01-14

Here is Bulletin_2018-01-14

Knights of Columbus Mardi Gras Benefit Social: Check out the last page of Bulletin_2018-01-14 and you will find details for the Mardi Gras Benefit Social on February 10th at 6:00 PM. My beautiful spouse probable will not be up to attending the event, but I have instructions from her to sample everything (perhaps more than once) and to take notes.

The Slopes are Calling: Father make it easy for us. He is so tied into his personal plans that there really isn’t much that needs to be done to figure out when it’s time for another vacation. (See For the Sheep in Exile – Bulletin 2017-01-22 for an example of his annual January skiing trip.)


This year, his vacation will begin on or about January 16. We don’t know for sure if he will be gone for the weekend or part of the next week. We will have to go through our archives and do some research. But, as usual, he will not be available to join us on the bus to attend the annual March for Life.

Oh, speaking of the March for Life, our Pastor posted this in the bulletin and on the parish website:


Thanks to the Knights of Columbus, we will have a bus taking people to the MARCH FOR LIFE on Friday, January 19. SIGN UP FOR THE BUS IN THE NAVE OF THE CHURCH.  The bus will leave about 10am on the 19th and return after the March to St. Peter’s.  You will be able to leave your cars here at the Church and take the bus. 

My beautiful wife put’s it this way: “Father takes a vacation and the Knights of Columbus have to pick up the tab for the bus. Our Pastor won’t lead the flock on the March, so the good men of the parish have to pick up the slack.”

Obviously, in addition to her recent medical problems and slow road to recovery, my wife has to undergo the pain and stress of watching this happen all over again and again and reminding us of the dubious benefits of having a radical pastor. This is the way she see’s it –

Sede Vacante

And she also asks, “How many souls are being saved?”



For the Sheep in Exile – Bulletin 2018-01-07

Here is Bulletin_2018-01-07

This post is both late and has no analysis or commentary. Why?

My beautiful spouse of 45 years has just returned home from five days in the hospital. There were two problems and both are likely to remain with her in one form or another for the rest of her life.

“Life” is the key word. Thanks to prayers from so many, the abiding grace of God, and dedicated emergency responders and hospital staff, my wife is still with me. God is so very good.

As I said, “life” is the key word. From conception to natural death, “life” is God’s gift to us.

It makes you wonder. On Friday the 19th, where will you be. Where will I be. Hopefully, we can make it to the March for Life.

The Women’s March – the march for selfishness and death – will be on January 21st. Would I be wrong in hoping for some powerful display of devastating “climate change” on that day? Let me check with Laudato Si’ – there might be an answer there.

Oh, by the way, Fre3d Capra was in the room next door to my spouse. Although he is still comatose, he is showing signs of recovery.


For the Sheep in Exile – 2017-12-31

This is a case of better late than never. Obviously, holy days and holidays have delayed this post. But now we can say, here is: Bulletin_2017-12-31

We will be back later this week with some analysis of items in the bulletin.


Today is the Solemnity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of God. We chose to attend the Mass in the Extraordinary Form at St. John the Baptist today; what a beautiful way to start the New Year.
