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Monthly Archives: November 2017

For the Sheep in Exile – Bulletin 2017-11-26

Here is Bulletin_2017-11-26

Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ - King of the Universe.jpg

Today is the the Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe.

According the Manual of Indulgences, “A plenary indulgence is granted to the faithful who on this solemnity, publicly recite the act of dedication of the human race to Christ the King (Iesu dulcissime, Redemptor); a partial indulgence is granted for it’s use in other circumstances.

Act of Dedication of the Human Race to

Jesus Christ King

Most sweet Jesus, Redeemer of the human race, look down upon us humbly prostrate before Thy altar. We are Thine, and Thine we wish to be; but, to be more surely united with Thee, behold each one of us freely consecrates himself today to Thy most Sacred Heart. Many indeed have never known Thee; many too, despising Thy precepts, have rejected Thee. Have mercy on them all, most merciful Jesus, and draw them to Thy most Sacred Heart.

Be Thou King, O Lord, not only of the faithful who have never forsaken Thee, but also of the prodigal children who have abandoned Thee; grant that they may quickly return to their Father’s house, lest they die of wretchedness and hunger.

Be Thou King of those who are deceived by erroneous opinions, or whom discord keeps aloof, and call them back to the harbor of truth and unity of faith, so that soon there may be but one flock and one Shepherd.

Be Thou King of all those who even now sit in the darkness of idolatry or Islamism, and refuse not to draw them into the light and kingdom of God. Turn Thy eyes of mercy toward the children of that race, once Thy chosen people. Of old they called down upon themselves the Blood of the Saviour; may it now descend upon them  a laver of redemption and of life.

Grant, O Lord, to Thy Church, assurance of freedom and immunity from harm; give peace and order to all nations; and make the earth resound from pole to pole with one cry: Praise to the Divine Heart that wrought our salvation: to it be glory and honor forever. Amen.

Prayer source: The Young Seminarian by B.F.  Marcetteau, S.S. Spiritual Director, Theological College of the Catholic University, Washington, D.C., 1943

Please note that the entire section in blue is omitted from the Manual of Indulgences. Originally, the prayer was composed by Pope Leo XIII and accompanied the encyclical Annum sacrum. It was promulgated on May 25, 1899 with the following wording”


The section that was omitted in the current Manual of Indulgences reads:

Rex esto denique eorum omnium, qui in vetere gentium superstitione versantur, eosque e tenebris vindicare ne renuas in Dei lumen et regnum.

While the above text and the text in blue are not identical in meaning, the additions to the original text were considered necessary by the Church. That is why almost every young seminarian was taught this form of the prayer until the mid-1960’s.

It is more than a shame that the entire section and it’s revisions have been dropped. Consider what the world might be like today if the Church had been praying that Christ would be the “King of all those who even now sit in the darkness of idolatry or Islamism“.

As for me and my house, we will keep the old form!

Viva Cristo Rey!!


Where will Father be? Once again our Pastor will be unavailable, unattainable, unreachable, and just generally “un-” for an entire week. Once again he will be gone with no warning, no explanation, no reason, and just generally “no“. That is our Pastor – the Pastor of “un-” and “no“.

Speaking of “no“, there will be no Mass on Monday. There will be Communion Services on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday at the usual times.

Like a Broken Record: It’s back again, and again, and again – The Little Blue Book


At the door of the church there is a little “Blue” reflection book with daily reflections for its Advent and Christmas seasons.  Six minutes a day.  That’s what you’re asked to give during these next 37 days—the 22 days of the Advent season, and the 15 days of the Christmas season.

Each 24-hour day has 240 “six minute” packages.  During the Advent and Christmas seasons, you’re asked to give one of those to the Lord.  People are often surprised at how easy it is to pray this way, and how deep such prayer can be.

It can change your day…change your life. 

If our Pastor can say all this about The Little Blue Book, as for me and my house we can say: Balderdash, poppycock, and baloney!!! My beautiful spouse would add, “It’s a bunch of crapolla!”

(Note: If you wonder why we say this, please search for “Blue Book” in the search box in the upper right hand corner of this page.)




For the Sheep in Exile – Bulletin 2017-11-19

Here is Bulletin_2017-11-19

One Misgiving Allayed: Some stories have a happy ending. This is one. In our post Misgivings, we expressed a misgiving about whether there would be a Mass at St. Peter’s on Thanksgiving Day. The good news is that there will be. The following is from St. Peter’s Website:


Join us on Thanksgiving Day for three events… at 10 a.m., join the churches and community of Rappahannock for the ecumenical Thanksgiving service (10 a.m. at Trinity Episcopal Church on the corner of Gay and Main Streets in Washington, Va. Later, join us for a Thanksgiving Mass (7 p.m.) and Holy Hour (7:30 p.m.—8:30 p.m.) What a good way to “cap” Thanksgiving Day with Mass and thanksgiving time before the Blessed Sacrament. Also, you can go to confession (during the Holy Hour). How good is that! 

It only stands to reason that, for those who will not be away visiting family or friends, an effort should be made to take advantage of the opportunity to express our thanks to God for His great blessings in the truly Catholic way – attend Thanksgiving Mass at St. Peter’s.

Okay, Father, – “How good is that!”

The Loss of Fr. Creedon: The Catholic Herald story Fr. Gerard Creedon dies at 73 explains that: “Father Gerard (Gerry) Creedon, pastor of Holy Family Church in Dale City, died Nov. 16 from complications following heart surgery.”

Fr. Creedon was a very good friend of our Pastor. They worked together on many worthwhile corporal works of mercy. Our diocese needs every priest it has and the loss of  Fr. Creedon is a loss for all of us.

Please keep Fr. Creedon and our Pastor in your prayers.





plural noun: misgivings
  1. a feeling of doubt or apprehension about the outcome or consequences of something.

Misgiving about Giving? You keep it in a drawer or place it on a shelf. The box simply says “My Offering” and nothing more. This week you will pull out an envelope from that box that looks like this.


Now read this year’s CCHD update from the Lepanto Institute. Read it closely and consider where your money will be going this year and what it will be supporting. If you come to the same conclusion as we have; if you have a misgiving about giving, you might consider inserting the item pictured below into the envelope pictured above.


You may want to print out many extras for our Pastor. In my mind I can see him sitting near the fire burning in his wood stove with his faithful SJW dog Alinskee resting at his feet. All the while he will be enjoying a cool Stella Artois and counting an enormous stack of Alinsky bucks.

Misgiving about Thanksgiving? Let’s ask the simple question: Will there be a Mass at St. Peter’s on Thanksgiving Day this year?

Until the weekly bulletin comes out this evening, we have no clue. – So, we are waiting, waiting with the usual measure of misgiving.

Of course you remember last year there was no Mass – instead, there was an Ecumenical Thanksgiving worship service at St. Peter’s. (See Soul Check: WooHoo! The parking lot is a sin! for the details concerning that troubling event.)

My wife’s capable detective has found that this event will be hosted by Trinity Episcopal Church. (See Ecumenical Thanksgiving Day Service.) The pastor at Trinity Episcopal was impressed with the service at St. Peters last year as expressed in his note The Rambling Rector, by Miller Hunter.

One of the highlights of my first year in Rappahannock was attending the Thanksgiving service at St Peter’s last November. I am pleased and honored that Trinity will host the service this year.
It is very much a community event. Many of the clergy from the Rappahannock clergy group will participate and the community choir will lead the music. Our friend, the Rev. James Kilby, will be the preacher for the service.
Last year I found it the perfect way to begin my Thanksgiving celebration. I know you will also find it to be meaningful. Please plan to join us on Thanksgiving Day at 10:00.
Until our weekly bulletin comes out this evening, we have no clue. – So, we are waiting, waiting with the usual measure of misgiving.
Will there be a Mass at St. Peter’s on Thanksgiving Day? Where will our Pastor be at 10 AM? Will he be with his sheep or will he be somewhere else – perhaps at Trinity Episcopal? Or will he simply be “elsewhere”?
“Many of the clergy from the Rappahannock clergy group will participate…”
When it comes to what is or is not going to happen at St. Peter’s, my wife and I suffer many misgivings.

For the Sheep in Exile – Bulletin 2017-11-12

Here is Bulletin_2017-11-12

What is a “Quodlibet”? If you want find out, check the bottom, right-hand corner of page three in Bulletin_2017-11-12. This looks like it might be an interesting event to be held at the Quièvremont Winery on November 18th. The Quodlibet was also advertised in the bulletin at St. John the Baptist. (Check here.)

This is an opportunity to ask serious questions concerning our very troubled times in the Church.

The Bottom Line: The Fiscal Year Financial Summary for the year ending June 30, 2017 was provided with this week’s bulletin. As an added bonus there was a full-page letter Brainfrom our Pastor explaining how good things are.

I confess, I’m not good with things like this. So, it was really helpful that our Pastor gave us the names and email addresses of five current Finance Council Members. The letter states:

“Please Examine these and ask Fr. Tuck or any of us on the Finance Council about questions you have.”

I guess one foolish question that could be asked is, “Why does it take over four months for the Financial Summary to get published?

My personal notes show the following concerning the bottom line, that is the “Total Liabilities & Net Assets” for our parish:

Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2014:  $545,596.00

Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2015: $559,428.00

Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2016: $542,306.00

Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2017: $496,128.00

We’re not trying to make any particular point here. It’s only money. Our greater concern is for the spiritual health of the parishioners of St. Peter’s and especially the Sheep in Exile. One interesting statistic is that three of those Sheep in Exile used to be members of the Finance Council.






Radical Remaking of a Parish – “Cherished Beliefs”

You haven’t heard from me for quite a while – but I couldn’t resist this one. So, I gave my hubby the night off and I’m taking over. Enjoy!

Is there anyone out there listening? Wake up, Speak up, Shake up – Do it now!!!

I’m sure you remember when Barrack Obama said this:

“… And it’s not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.”

Were you disturbed? Did it sound like a personal attack? Does it still bother you? Or have you grown numb?

A few days ago, someone made a statement that in my view is even more disturbing.

“It is our job to take up that discernment. It takes time. It involves discipline. Most importantly it requires that we be prepared to let go of cherished beliefs and long-held biases,” …

This person was speaking of your Catholic beliefs and understanding of Catholic teaching. In that context – Are you disturbed? Does it sound like a personal attack? Does it bother you? It should!!

(See: Catholics must let go of ‘cherished beliefs’ to ‘discern’ like Pope Francis: U.S. Cardinal)

CupichThe speaker was none other than Cardinal Blase Cupich who said that if Catholics want to engage in “discernment” like Pope Francis does, they must let go of “cherished beliefs.” He thinks you and I have “long held biases.” – We certainly are not as enlightened as he is. Bull poop!

When you read the article closely and watch the video what do you see. Tell me, can you agree with the babble and drivel that he is promoting? Does it even make any sense?

Although he was speaking of his own Archdiocese and how he is “rebuilding” and “reimagining” the Church through a process of “discernment” and “dialogue”, it was clear that he believes his Archdiocese should be the template for change throughout the country.

What the heck do those blasted words in purple mean? HUH????

He feels confident that his own clergy (dare I add mealy mouthed, wimpy, yes men) are supporting him and his vision, he is not so trusting of lay people.

The Cardinal said that while the majority of priests are supportive of his “Renew my Church” program, local lay leaders are far less supportive.

Renew my Church? Get a grip! People like him have been renewing our Church for the last 50 years – pulleeeze!

So what does this mean to St. Peter’s Parish?

Take a look at the picture below. There in the center is the very same Cardinal Cupich who expects you to let go of your cherished beliefs.  He is standing proud and tall with the leadership of the Association of US Catholic Priests (AUSCP) on January 28, 2016.



The then Archbishop expressed support for the work of the Association, and said he would encourage priests (dare I say again mealy mouthed, wimpy, yes men) of the archdiocese to join in the assembly.

So who did join with the AUSCP and Cardinal Cupich at the assembly? Who participated with those who want you to let go of your “cherished beliefs”? Who was there that in all likelihood supports most if not all of the positions of the AUSCP and Cardinal Cupich? I can show you at least one person who was there.


Virginia Voting Day: Don’t talk about it – do it! Vote tomorrow!

My oldest grandson will be voting tomorrow for the first time. This is our future.


For all of those like Cardinal Cupich who want me to change my “cherished beliefs”, this is what I have to say to you:

Get back, get back
Get back to where you once belonged
Get back, get back
Get back to where you once belonged




For the Sheep in Exile – Bulletin 2017-11-05

Here is Bulletin_2017-11-05. There was a six-page Diocese of Arlington Vocations insert in this week’s bulletin. You can find all the information in the brochure and more at National Vocation Awareness Week.

All Souls-2Do we remember? – Do we pray? Few of us have ever known a canonized Saint. Nevertheless, many of us surely have known a saint or many saints. And what of the saints to be – the ones who are in Purgatory – Do we remember? – Do we pray?

This week we have celebrated All Souls Day. If you have been properly schooled in your Catholic faith, you know that it is within your power to obtain an indulgence to have a soul released from Purgatory and gain entry to Heaven. So, today, not tomorrow or the next day, make your way to the cemetery and pray for those who have been forgotten.

Simply put, dear Friend in Christ: Remember – Remember and Pray!

All Souls-1